Saturday, April 21, 2012

So many egg pouches!

Now we have six egg pouches! I searched on the Internet and found out that we must spray mists of water on the egg pouches every day. They must stay in the shade all the time. Then they'll hatch in three to six weeks. I really should have done that before! I also found out that the lifespan of most tropical preying mantises is ten to twelve months.

A week later from our camp, we finally saw a mantis laying it's, egg pouch! It was leaving the foamy mass of the egg pouch that was drying quickly. It laid half of it's pouch so far. Then another one was made when we were camping in our backyard. And today when we were,eating dinner, one more appeared! I love this holiday!

I keep wondering if I should remove the mantises away from the egg pouches because They might eat the baby mantises when they hatch. And the babies will also eat each other! I might need to put the tank outside to let the babies escape when they hatch. Or should I keep them in a separate tank? I need to think, fast. I might need to give some to my friends.


I 'm also planning to have a tank full of spiders when I've learned enough about mantises! I could have huge webs spread all over the tank! The girls might not like it because they're afraid of spiders most of the time. Maybe I could be an entomologist(insect expert)when I grow up! Then I could teach people about insects!

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