Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Hunger Games Chapter 1

In a place called District 12, also known as the Seam, a girl named Primrose Everdeen screamed and was frightened because of her bad dreams. Katniss Everdeen her sister was there to calm her down. Prim was was scared because she didn't want to enter the Hunger games. The rule is only one tribute [means participant] shall live in the end and be the winner. She was afraid if she'd die because she put her name in the draw for her name to be picked up! She was a little traumatised. Katniss's family was poor. She had to catch deers and other animals to cook and fished in lakes. Her friend gale then came and brought her some bread from the bakery.

It cost him a squirrel for it.They talked about this lady called Effie Trinket that comes here every year to collect the tributes for the Hunger Games. She says, "Happy Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favour!'. One Girl and Boy will come from each of the the twelve districts competes every year in the game. Everyone now went to the main Town Square. Effie Trinket was in between two glass balls filled with girls and boys names wating to be drawn out . Effie said, "Ladies First!".She drawed out one name and it was Primrose!

I really think Primrose shouldn't go! She's not prepared! I hope she'll be alright!

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