Friday, April 6, 2012

Mantis miracle Holi-Day 1

It was the first day of the school holidays today and we were gardening.But I didn't do it. I decided to catch butterflies with my butterfly net! I fed two to the pray mantis. They were small as my rubber! But they left the wings out. I saw in a book about butterflies that their wings can leave a sickness to the predators when they eat them. That could also be the reason! We also fed some purple ones. But the under side of the wings were brown. They really looked like leaves! I just hit the grass for some butterflies to come out. Suddenly, a huge flying insect came out! I thought it was a queen bug or something! But when I took a closer look, it was a MONARCH BUTTERFLY!!! I caught it and brought to my house. It looke really poor. It could only live for about a month! So I set it free. I also saw it by the electric cables. I also found out that there were some Monarch caterpillars are! They were buy the swan plants in my neighbor's house nextdoor!

When my mother was gardening, a great thing happened! She found another pregnant mantis! Then we added the male Chinese mantis that we caught last night! Unluckily, he got eaten by Manty. Mum caught three more mantises:

This is Alice. the first mantis mum caught. She looks alot like Manty. Her kind is same as Manty as well. I named her Alice because I wanted the tank to look alot like a wonderland to herself!

This is Fresh. A replacement for a female mantis that was caught at my school that was bitten by my cat which made her flat as a non inflated ballon also named Fresh! But I think she's still alve.

Meet Crystal. A real giant! Almost bigger than Manty! Her legs have these purple thick stripes. As you can see, a male mantis is riding on her which means that they are mating! I hope they don't get killed!

This is the mantis family! It really feels good to have many insects together!

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