Monday, April 9, 2012

Mantis miracle Holi-day 2

One early bright morning, when I was so tired from yesterday, I couldn't believe my eyes, there was the third egg pouch! I couldn't tell who layed it because there were so many mantises now! It was stucked on two sticks. And the second one started to change color to brownish yellow. We also caught lots of bees in Yatton park yesterday and Fresh ate them all! But this time, we caught lots of mantises! We got many male ones and most of the females mated with them. I also saw one mating two males at the same time! And my mum seperated one of the males. Some males got off the females at the end of mating.

 They didn't get eaten! I also found out that male mantises curl up their tails and hangs on to the belly! And mantises lay egg pouches on stable and strong, thick surfaces. When we were at the library, my little sister foung something there! Another pray mantis! It was one of those kinds that left brown liquid on my hand. We put it in our  tank. Unfortunately, it got eaten by Alice. One mantis is mating now it's its first time! Its belly is getting fat and chubby!

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