Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mantis miracle A new birth

Last week, I lended my tank to my friend Jimmy because he had plenty of bugs out in his backyard. When he came back, a miracle appeared, on one of the twigs in the tank was ANOTHER EGG POUCH! I was over- joyed! It looked so perfect, it was better than the first one and so healthy! The other students were surprised too! So I planned to feed it swarms of bugs, for it to make another one! I kept wondering if Fierce or Manty made it.

 I agree it was Manty because she used to be fat and chubby but now her belly floppy and thin. So that could mean the egg pouch is her's. Today I caught many mantises in my backyard. I also found one at school in parent's interview on the bushes. Manty was starving so she accidentally ate Fierce! But we found her some new friends which got eaten by her. Only one is surving now, I hope she can survive so I can find someone to mate with her! Manty has to get rid of her horrible habit. She's like an eating machine!

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