Saturday, September 10, 2011

29th, Aug, 2011

At the last block, we went to Greerton swimming pool. But I forgot my toggs! Fortunately, I rang mum and got my toggs! There were six groups. I was in group two. We did some froggy breatrokes, rainbow swimming freestyles and windmill backstrokes. No one in my group knew how to brestroke except me. So I was the example of brestroke! I was admired! After the lesson, I changed like an autobot into my clothes and went back to school and went home. I was thrilled when I heard we’re going to swim for two weeks! After school, I went to Drama school and did a play called,  “Oops! Wrong plane”! I brought my school back pack as my luggage as a passenger. We were walking in the plane when the cabin crews welcomed us. Then we waited impatiently for the plane to fly. We whined uncomfortably to the cabin crew.

Then we realised that we were all in the wrong plane! So we went off the plane with embarassment and took off in the right plane. Imagine if that would happen to you! After the play, we did a drama which everyone has to be in groups of twos and threes. I was in Molly and Lily’s group. Then to start of the drama, one person must say guess what and the other person must say what. When my group performed, I said I’m going to get a free movie voucher and watch Kung Fu panda 2! Then Molly and Lily said boringly that they’ve seen it and they were getting annoyed, so they acted they were kicking me. Then we went to a Japanese restaurant called Shima

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