Saturday, September 17, 2011

16th, Sept, 2011

This exciting night, I watched the RWC 2O11 NZ VS JAPAN! First the players sang their national anthem. I kind of memorized the NZ anthem. But when the game started, I felt sorry for Japan because they scored less goals than NZ. So we watched some annoying orange on you tube. The annoying orange has a face but no body parts. If you were a fruit, you would get annoyed and die. Because once the annoying orange stopped being annoying, he says, “KNIFE” and you get Chopped. The first annoying orange clip I’ve ever seen was THE ANNOYING ORANGE 1. If you want to hear it, then I will tell you:
Orange: Hey, hey, hey apple! Hey, hey apple!
Apple: What, what, what?!
Orange: Orange you glad I didn’t say apple anymore? Ha{X6}.
Apple: Yeah that was funny the last 400 times you said it.
Orange: Hey apple.
Apple: What?!
Orange: You look fruity, Ha{X6}
Apple: Yeah that was hilarious.
Orange: Hey apple!
Apple: What?!
Orange: Can you do 10 push ups at 10 seconds?

Apple: What?! What kind of question is that? I don’t even have arms. How am I going to do 1 push up?
Orange: Hey!
Apple: What?
Orange: Hey apple!
Apple: What?!
Orange: Can you do this? Wea{X6}
Apple: No stop it!
Orange: Try it!
Apple: Ok you’ve made your point! Stop it!
Apple: Will you be quiet! For crying out loud, would you stop yammering for 3 seconds! I can’t even hear myself think!
Orange: Hey apple!
Apple: What?!
Orange: Knife.
Apple: AAHH!!!!!!!!!!
Orange: I warned you, that looks like it hurts. I tried to warn him.
Orange: Hey pear!
Pear: Oh god.

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