Thursday, September 22, 2011

31st, Aug, 2011

31st, Aug, 2011

Like yesterday, we went to Greeerton swimming pool. This time, one of us with the youngest siblings must go first in order. I got to go first because my sister is 5! Then we did some brestroke kicks with noodles. At the end of the lesson, we did some diving in the adult’s pool!

After school, I went to Harrison’s gallery and decided to draw a dolphin. I drew a plan that looked like an art diagram that is so cool! I drew my plan a piece of paper. Then I painted a simple color in paint which was blue. I wanted to draw on an easel like most of the people but there wasn’t any left. Just then I saw a whole bunch of easels in a corner of our classroom! But it was really hard to copy what I just did in my plan! It’s really hard to do something that you did really well again! At 5:30, My dad came and was thrilled when he saw my plan! I was so hungry that I ate two bowls of rice and chickens.