Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mantis miracle day 3

Today, I took Manny[Mnantis' name] with me to school! I showed everyone the container and they were surprised and excited. My teacher thought it would make great class pet and we could keep the babies! My friends helped me catch food for it. We kept the insects in another container smaller than the old one. It was really fun! The mantis had a big feast. At lunchtime, About ten insects! And we fed her another male prey
mantis! First she caught it with her big front legs, then ripped it apart and fed on the belly, then the neck, then the face. It looked so carnivorous and blood thirsty! Then we went home and looked for more bugs. When my little sister grabbed two more male mantises, I decided to hold one. But then, it bit me and left this drop of brown liquid on my finger! I wondered if it was poison, but I didn't feel anything at all!

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