Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mantis miracle day 2

18/3/12 8:00a.m.

In the early morning, I was surprised when the mantis escaped from it's breathing hole! My mum bursted into terror! Few seconds later we found the mantis on a corner of the wall at my room with a strange oval shaped thing that looked like glue tack. I jumped to the internet and when I was finished, it was an egg pouch called Ootheca! I was thrilled!

We decided to remove the egg pouch to the container. My mum did it carefully with a craft knife and it left a grey marking at the spot. I think there would be hundreds of baby mantises hatching out from the Ootheca. The other fact is that when mantises mate, the female will eat and digest the male head to foot. I'm glad I'm not a mantis!

Then my friend Kevin came to play at my house. We went to fetch some moths out in our backyard. We got about five of them in a plastic bag. It wasn't easy putting the food inside the container. We watched as the prey mantis cornered its prey. And then it pranced and caught like the wind! It tore the wings off as it fed on the insect.

I'm really going to be prepared for being a vet when I grow up! I wonder what the baby mantises will look like when they hatch! And of course, I will need to the name them all!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Tony, your blog is so interesting and I love the way you are describing how the mantis moves!
