My class was admiring my tank and the new pray mantis, Fierce. I named it that because he survived when another female mantis ate her front leg! At lunchtime, my friend Jesse found a pray mantis that was a male one for me. It was fully healthy. No legs or body parts missing. It could fly as well! We also found a gigantic moth hanging on a wall! At first, I thought it was dead but when Jesse touched it, it was alive! He grabbed and didn't let go. Then we went to where the caterpillars are. Some were sealing itself for its chrysalis! I just love it when they do that! Because then we'll have butterflies flying through the school!
When we got back, wewaited infront of the classroom door until the bell rang. I might want to be an expert on insects and bugs when I grow up! And Jesse could be my assistant! Finnally it was time to go inside. When we put it in, he was very still. Paralyzed I could say! We were gone for running two laps on the field. Then we had to go to our syndicate assembly. When we were back, the male mantis was stuck on to Fierce! IT WAS MATING!!!!! I couldn't believe it! I'm gonna have another egg pouch! I took it home.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Marwe into the land of the dead written by Raylago, illustrated by Craig Hamilton
This is the legend from east Africa that's a story about a young girl named Marwe. She was kind and helpful. Her family lived on hills to grow crops of beans for food. Monkeys have always stolen the beans, so life was hard. One day, her brother was very hot and decided to go to the pond. Marwe came with him. When they came back, the monkeys ate all the beans! Their parents would be furious! They sneaked up to the house and saw the parents raging mad! They said nasty words about the mokeys. Marwe thought that they meaned her! She and her brother ran to the river. The brother then left. Suddenly, a giant black vortex appeared in the middle of the pond! Marwe swam and explored inside it. Shortly, she reached a land that looked mythical. Children were working in the fields. She asked one to tell her where she was. Marwe was in the land of the dead! She then met an old woman that was very wise she said that she could stay if she needed to. Marwe wasn't quite ready to return because she was so afraid. So she decided to stay. For many years she lived and helped the children work. Then she grew into a beautiful woman. Then she was ready to return to the real world. The old woman then gave her gold and treasures. She also warned her, her future husband shall be a man named Sawoye. When she returned, Marwe told everyone the story. Many men suddenly fell in love with her. But none of them were named Sawoye. Then she saw a weak man that had scars on her face. He was Sawoye. Then they were married and they lived happily ever after!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Mantis miracle Saturday
Hi, I'm Manny! Tony's pet mantis. Today, he and his family went to the pet shop to buy me a plasic tank for me to run around and live! First he put some insects to feed me. Then, two dead plants to make it look like a jungle! He moved me and my egg pouch into the tank and it looked wonderful! There were lots of insects running around and three prey mantises! So deliscious!
The crickets made such beautiful sounds of music. I ate one mantis because I was so hungry! Ahhhh!!!! I think I'm going to need to make another egg pouch tonight! Tony likes it when I make another sack. Suddenly, he puts a huge spider, same as my size that looked freaky! I think I can digest that one! I am a mantis, I must always be brave!
The crickets made such beautiful sounds of music. I ate one mantis because I was so hungry! Ahhhh!!!! I think I'm going to need to make another egg pouch tonight! Tony likes it when I make another sack. Suddenly, he puts a huge spider, same as my size that looked freaky! I think I can digest that one! I am a mantis, I must always be brave!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
chapter 19-21 Charlie and the chocolate factory
cEveryone lined up at the chocolate river. A bunch of Oompa Loompas were rowing a huge ship that was made of boiled sweet. The people hopped inside and wooshed down a dark cave like a slide and saw rooms that were labeled such as Hair cream and Has beans. Mr. Wonka said,"Whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all unless if it's been whipped with whips. Then they stopped at the inventing room.

Inside, they saw Oompa Loompas holding something like a marble. They were called everlasting gobstoppers! You can suck it all year and it won't go any smaller! You'd break your little teeth off if you'd ever tried to chew one of these! They looked so delisciously colorful and the colors standed out so perfectly.
Then Mr. Wonka pressed a button on a random machine that began to steam and make funny noises! Then a grey tube sticked out and a strip of chewing gum popped up! You'll never have to go shopping to buy food if you have this strip of gum! It's all you need for breakfast, lunch and dinner! The flavours happens to be, tomato soup, roasted beef and blueberry pie!
Then Violet chewed the gum and she discovered a whole new flavour! When it came to blueberry pie, Her nose turned blue! Her face turned purple! She turned violet! Then she got fat and swelled up until she tuened into an enormous ball! Mr. Wonka told Mrs. Beauregarde that she would end up as a blueberry! So he sended her and Violet to the juicing room to squeeze the juice all out!
Inside, they saw Oompa Loompas holding something like a marble. They were called everlasting gobstoppers! You can suck it all year and it won't go any smaller! You'd break your little teeth off if you'd ever tried to chew one of these! They looked so delisciously colorful and the colors standed out so perfectly.
Then Mr. Wonka pressed a button on a random machine that began to steam and make funny noises! Then a grey tube sticked out and a strip of chewing gum popped up! You'll never have to go shopping to buy food if you have this strip of gum! It's all you need for breakfast, lunch and dinner! The flavours happens to be, tomato soup, roasted beef and blueberry pie!
Then Violet chewed the gum and she discovered a whole new flavour! When it came to blueberry pie, Her nose turned blue! Her face turned purple! She turned violet! Then she got fat and swelled up until she tuened into an enormous ball! Mr. Wonka told Mrs. Beauregarde that she would end up as a blueberry! So he sended her and Violet to the juicing room to squeeze the juice all out!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Mantis miracle day 3
Today, I took Manny[Mnantis' name] with me to school! I showed everyone the container and they were surprised and excited. My teacher thought it would make great class pet and we could keep the babies! My friends helped me catch food for it. We kept the insects in another container smaller than the old one. It was really fun! The mantis had a big feast. At lunchtime, About ten insects! And we fed her another male prey
mantis! First she caught it with her big front legs, then ripped it apart and fed on the belly, then the neck, then the face. It looked so carnivorous and blood thirsty! Then we went home and looked for more bugs. When my little sister grabbed two more male mantises, I decided to hold one. But then, it bit me and left this drop of brown liquid on my finger! I wondered if it was poison, but I didn't feel anything at all!
mantis! First she caught it with her big front legs, then ripped it apart and fed on the belly, then the neck, then the face. It looked so carnivorous and blood thirsty! Then we went home and looked for more bugs. When my little sister grabbed two more male mantises, I decided to hold one. But then, it bit me and left this drop of brown liquid on my finger! I wondered if it was poison, but I didn't feel anything at all!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Tony's blog: Mantis miracle day 2
Tony's blog: Mantis miracle day 2: 18/3/12 8:00a.m. In the early morning, I was surprised when the mantis escaped from it's breathing hole! My mum bursted into terror! Few s...
Mantis miracle day 2
18/3/12 8:00a.m.
In the early morning, I was surprised when the mantis escaped from it's breathing hole! My mum bursted into terror! Few seconds later we found the mantis on a corner of the wall at my room with a strange oval shaped thing that looked like glue tack. I jumped to the internet and when I was finished, it was an egg pouch called Ootheca! I was thrilled!
We decided to remove the egg pouch to the container. My mum did it carefully with a craft knife and it left a grey marking at the spot. I think there would be hundreds of baby mantises hatching out from the Ootheca. The other fact is that when mantises mate, the female will eat and digest the male head to foot. I'm glad I'm not a mantis!
Then my friend Kevin came to play at my house. We went to fetch some moths out in our backyard. We got about five of them in a plastic bag. It wasn't easy putting the food inside the container. We watched as the prey mantis cornered its prey. And then it pranced and caught like the wind! It tore the wings off as it fed on the insect.
I'm really going to be prepared for being a vet when I grow up! I wonder what the baby mantises will look like when they hatch! And of course, I will need to the name them all!
In the early morning, I was surprised when the mantis escaped from it's breathing hole! My mum bursted into terror! Few seconds later we found the mantis on a corner of the wall at my room with a strange oval shaped thing that looked like glue tack. I jumped to the internet and when I was finished, it was an egg pouch called Ootheca! I was thrilled!
We decided to remove the egg pouch to the container. My mum did it carefully with a craft knife and it left a grey marking at the spot. I think there would be hundreds of baby mantises hatching out from the Ootheca. The other fact is that when mantises mate, the female will eat and digest the male head to foot. I'm glad I'm not a mantis!
Then my friend Kevin came to play at my house. We went to fetch some moths out in our backyard. We got about five of them in a plastic bag. It wasn't easy putting the food inside the container. We watched as the prey mantis cornered its prey. And then it pranced and caught like the wind! It tore the wings off as it fed on the insect.
I'm really going to be prepared for being a vet when I grow up! I wonder what the baby mantises will look like when they hatch! And of course, I will need to the name them all!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Mantis miracle day1
3.30 pm
I was riding my bicycle in front of my house. When my time was over, mom said "why don't you tidy the bushes growing too much". I used a pair of garden sissors with my little sister. It need to be extremely careful to not injure my sister.
When it was time to broom up and take all the mess to the garbage can, We saw a huge prey mantis with a big floppy belly! It was magnificent, a bug that I'd adore! I wondered if it was poisonous, but never mind that! It was a beauty!
We decided to keep it as a pet to see if it's a female and pregnant to grow the babies. A see through plastic container was fit for watching how the mantis lived. To let it breathe, the lid was little bit opened, and we sealed it.
I searched on the internet and saw that mantises ate moths, small spiders and other small insects. It was also called the insect eater. But to start, I just put some leaves and a few drops of water. because it was very late.
3.30 pm
I was riding my bicycle in front of my house. When my time was over, mom said "why don't you tidy the bushes growing too much". I used a pair of garden sissors with my little sister. It need to be extremely careful to not injure my sister.
When it was time to broom up and take all the mess to the garbage can, We saw a huge prey mantis with a big floppy belly! It was magnificent, a bug that I'd adore! I wondered if it was poisonous, but never mind that! It was a beauty!
We decided to keep it as a pet to see if it's a female and pregnant to grow the babies. A see through plastic container was fit for watching how the mantis lived. To let it breathe, the lid was little bit opened, and we sealed it.
I searched on the internet and saw that mantises ate moths, small spiders and other small insects. It was also called the insect eater. But to start, I just put some leaves and a few drops of water. because it was very late.
chapter 17 Charlie and the chocolate factory
When Mr. Wonka explained, Mrs. Gloop yelled, "Agustus my child, that's not a good thing you do!" He was drinking the melted chocolate! Little boy, my chocolate mustn't be untouched by human hands!" said Willy Wonka. Then he loved it so much that he accidently fell in to the lake! Then one of the enormous pipes sticked in to the lake sucking up the chocolate so hard that Agustus shooted through the pipes really fast and stopped over halfway.
Mrs. Gloop panicked and shouted to Mr. Wonka, "Where does that pipe go to?!" "That pipe, it just so happens to go to the room where the most delicious strawberry flavored chocolate coated fudge!" Then Agustus will be made into strawberry flavoured chocolate coated fudge, sold and pounded all over the world?!" exclaimed Mrs. Gloop. "No, no the taste would be awful, I wouldn't allow it. Can you imagine if sold Agustus flavoured chocolate coated Gloop? Ewww, no one would buy it."
Mrs. Gloop panicked and shouted to Mr. Wonka, "Where does that pipe go to?!" "That pipe, it just so happens to go to the room where the most delicious strawberry flavored chocolate coated fudge!" Then Agustus will be made into strawberry flavoured chocolate coated fudge, sold and pounded all over the world?!" exclaimed Mrs. Gloop. "No, no the taste would be awful, I wouldn't allow it. Can you imagine if sold Agustus flavoured chocolate coated Gloop? Ewww, no one would buy it."
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
chapter 15-16 Charlie and the chocolate factory
The people went inside the factory. there was a long hallway and the end, there was a tiny little door. "This is a very important room here, it's the heart that runs the whole factory!"said Mr. Wonka. When he opened the door, everyone was dazzled and over excited. The meadows and trees were beautiful. But best of of all, there was a huge waterfall with hot melted chocolate of the very finest quality! Everything in the room was eatable. There were also humongous glass pipes that sucks up the chocolate all over to the other rooms if needed, and they could carry thousands an hour! Grandpa Joe was over amused and impressed! Then veruca shouted, " Daddy! Look over there! What is it, it's a little person. Down there by the waterfall!" Everyone was confused. There were five of them.

They were called Oompa loompas. Imported from Loompaland. Mr. Wonka started to speak. "The thick jungles filled terrifying creatures. Hornswogglers, Snozzwangers and those terrible wicked Wangdoodles. I went to look for exotic flavours for candies. But instead, I found the Oompa loompas. They lived in high treehouses to avoid the creatures below. They're no taller than your knee! They ate nothing but grubs and caterpillars, bark from the Bong Bong tree and things to make them taste better. But the they wanted most, was the coa coa beans. An Oompa loompa would be lucky if they'd find two or three coa coa beans a year. Oh how they craved them. All they'd ever think about was coa coa beans. The coa coa beans was the thing that were made of my chocolate. So I told them that they could have all the coa coa beans they want, if they worked in my factory.
The people went inside the factory. there was a long hallway and the end, there was a tiny little door. "This is a very important room here, it's the heart that runs the whole factory!"said Mr. Wonka. When he opened the door, everyone was dazzled and over excited. The meadows and trees were beautiful. But best of of all, there was a huge waterfall with hot melted chocolate of the very finest quality! Everything in the room was eatable. There were also humongous glass pipes that sucks up the chocolate all over to the other rooms if needed, and they could carry thousands an hour! Grandpa Joe was over amused and impressed! Then veruca shouted, " Daddy! Look over there! What is it, it's a little person. Down there by the waterfall!" Everyone was confused. There were five of them.
They were called Oompa loompas. Imported from Loompaland. Mr. Wonka started to speak. "The thick jungles filled terrifying creatures. Hornswogglers, Snozzwangers and those terrible wicked Wangdoodles. I went to look for exotic flavours for candies. But instead, I found the Oompa loompas. They lived in high treehouses to avoid the creatures below. They're no taller than your knee! They ate nothing but grubs and caterpillars, bark from the Bong Bong tree and things to make them taste better. But the they wanted most, was the coa coa beans. An Oompa loompa would be lucky if they'd find two or three coa coa beans a year. Oh how they craved them. All they'd ever think about was coa coa beans. The coa coa beans was the thing that were made of my chocolate. So I told them that they could have all the coa coa beans they want, if they worked in my factory.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
chapter 13- 14 Charlie and the chocolate factory
Charlie dashed to his house and shouted, "MUM, DAD! THE LAST GOLDEN TICKET! IT'S MINE! Everyone was puzzled.Then Grandpa Joe leaped out of his bed with excitement. He screamed, "Yippeee! It said, He went with Charlie to the factory.

The next day, swarms of people stood behind the gates. Everyone saw the five groups of people waiting for Mr. Wonka. Then he came out in a splendid outfit. He greeted everyone joyfully and invited them inside.
The next day, swarms of people stood behind the gates. Everyone saw the five groups of people waiting for Mr. Wonka. Then he came out in a splendid outfit. He greeted everyone joyfully and invited them inside.
Monday, March 12, 2012
chapter 6-12 Charlie and the chocolate factory
One day Willy Wonka announced to everyone in the world that he would allow five children with one member of their family. Five golden tickets under five ordinary wonka bars. These tickets could be anywhere, in any shop, in any country in the world. The Buckets were so excited.
The first finder was a fat boy called Agustus Gloop from D'seldorf. He ate so many chocolate bars a day and was very attracted to sweets. Then was a young lady named Veruca Salt and her parents were very rich. She didn't even find her ticket, her parents did! Thirdly, was another young lady named Violet Beauregarde the world record's gum chewer. And a little boy that's addicted to TV called Mike Teavee.

But poor old Charlie gets only one bar a year but he had no luck. Once he went outside for a walk. Then he found fifty pence on the snow! He took it to buy another chocolate bar. Then a miracle happened. HE FOUND THE LAST GOLDEN TICKET!!!
Now he will really get lucky!
Home reading 12/3/12
The first finder was a fat boy called Agustus Gloop from D'seldorf. He ate so many chocolate bars a day and was very attracted to sweets. Then was a young lady named Veruca Salt and her parents were very rich. She didn't even find her ticket, her parents did! Thirdly, was another young lady named Violet Beauregarde the world record's gum chewer. And a little boy that's addicted to TV called Mike Teavee.
But poor old Charlie gets only one bar a year but he had no luck. Once he went outside for a walk. Then he found fifty pence on the snow! He took it to buy another chocolate bar. Then a miracle happened. HE FOUND THE LAST GOLDEN TICKET!!!
Now he will really get lucky!
Home reading 12/3/12
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Charlie and the chocolate factory chapter 4
Thousands of people worked in the marvelous factory. But then they became jealous of Mr. Wonka, they began to send spies to steal his secret recipes. When they suceeded, Fickelgruber began to make ice cream that would never melt. Slugworth made chewing that never losts its flavour, Prodnose made sugar balloons that could be blown up to incredible sizes!
When Mr. Wonka saw the monstrousity, He sent his workers to go home. And told them this ''I'm closing my chocolate factory forever". But after a very long time, the factory was back on buisness. There were other workers in there. It's a big mystery!
7/3/12 Home Reading
When Mr. Wonka saw the monstrousity, He sent his workers to go home. And told them this ''I'm closing my chocolate factory forever". But after a very long time, the factory was back on buisness. There were other workers in there. It's a big mystery!
7/3/12 Home Reading
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Charlie and the chocolate factory Chapter 2 to 3
Willy Wonka was the most extraordinary, amazing, super fantastic living chocolate maker in the universe! Grandpa Joe used to to work twenty years ago in the factory. Wonka could make blue eggs that would hatch chocolate birds, or chewing gum that never losts its flavour! He was known as the candy magician.
There was also a crazy story that happened in India. Prince Pondicherry ordered Mr. Wonka to build him a colossal palace entirely made out of chocolate. It had one hundred rooms And everything was made of either dark or light chocolate. The walls were chocolate, the cement were sticked with chocolate and the furnitures were coated with chocolate as well. But then came a hot with a boiling sun. The prince was dozing wen he realised he was swimming in sticky hot chocolate!

6th march 2012 Home READING
There was also a crazy story that happened in India. Prince Pondicherry ordered Mr. Wonka to build him a colossal palace entirely made out of chocolate. It had one hundred rooms And everything was made of either dark or light chocolate. The walls were chocolate, the cement were sticked with chocolate and the furnitures were coated with chocolate as well. But then came a hot with a boiling sun. The prince was dozing wen he realised he was swimming in sticky hot chocolate!

6th march 2012 Home READING
Monday, March 5, 2012
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chapter 1
Charlie Bucket and his family.
These are the parents of Mr. Bucket, Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine.
These are the parents of Mrs.Bucket, Granpa George, Granma Georgina.
This Mr.and Mrs. Bucket and little Charlie.
The Buckets lived in a little house on the edge of a great city. They only had one bed for the four grandparents and two rooms. They were so poor that they couldn't by the proper food and could only eat margarines and bread for breakfeast, cabbage for lunch and cabbage soup for dinner.
Mr. Bucket is the only one who has a job. He works in a toothpaste factory but his salary was never, alot of money. The only thing he wanted more than anything was.......CHOCOLATE! His mouth watered like mad when he sensed the sweet smell of the whipped cream and the scrumptious thick layer of chocolate.
And also the extremely big thing that tortured charlie more than chocolate was an ENORMOUS CHOCOLATE FACTORY next to his house! It was Mr. Willy Wonka's factory! Charlie wondered what was inside!
I think he could be the luckiest child in the world.
These are the parents of Mr. Bucket, Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine.
These are the parents of Mrs.Bucket, Granpa George, Granma Georgina.
This Mr.and Mrs. Bucket and little Charlie.
The Buckets lived in a little house on the edge of a great city. They only had one bed for the four grandparents and two rooms. They were so poor that they couldn't by the proper food and could only eat margarines and bread for breakfeast, cabbage for lunch and cabbage soup for dinner.
Mr. Bucket is the only one who has a job. He works in a toothpaste factory but his salary was never, alot of money. The only thing he wanted more than anything was.......CHOCOLATE! His mouth watered like mad when he sensed the sweet smell of the whipped cream and the scrumptious thick layer of chocolate.
And also the extremely big thing that tortured charlie more than chocolate was an ENORMOUS CHOCOLATE FACTORY next to his house! It was Mr. Willy Wonka's factory! Charlie wondered what was inside!
I think he could be the luckiest child in the world.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Long, long ago, in a galaxy far far away,
There was an invasion attacking in the planet of Naboo. Queen Amidala, ruler of Naboo was kidnapped and was about to be killed by the invaders. But before that was about to happen, two Jedi's, Obi Wan Kenobi
and his master Qui Gon Jinn were on a mission to save Naboo too.
When they saved the queen, they stopped at another planet where they met a young boy named Anakin Skywalker. He was no ordinary boy. He was smart and built lots of things like droids and machines. He dreamt of being a Jedi. He and his mom were actually slaves.
So Qui Gon freed the boy and he became Obi Wan's Padawan, which means apprentice. When they took off in their star ship, they continued on their mission. They needed to defeat the master of the invasion, Darth Maul. He super highly trained in Jedi arts. But sadly Qui Gon was killed by him. Obi wan bursted into rage and killed Maul. Everyone was saved. I wondered who would die first. Obi Wan, or Anakin?
-at Baycity Cinemas in Tauranga 03,march,2012
There was an invasion attacking in the planet of Naboo. Queen Amidala, ruler of Naboo was kidnapped and was about to be killed by the invaders. But before that was about to happen, two Jedi's, Obi Wan Kenobi
and his master Qui Gon Jinn were on a mission to save Naboo too.
When they saved the queen, they stopped at another planet where they met a young boy named Anakin Skywalker. He was no ordinary boy. He was smart and built lots of things like droids and machines. He dreamt of being a Jedi. He and his mom were actually slaves.
So Qui Gon freed the boy and he became Obi Wan's Padawan, which means apprentice. When they took off in their star ship, they continued on their mission. They needed to defeat the master of the invasion, Darth Maul. He super highly trained in Jedi arts. But sadly Qui Gon was killed by him. Obi wan bursted into rage and killed Maul. Everyone was saved. I wondered who would die first. Obi Wan, or Anakin?
-at Baycity Cinemas in Tauranga 03,march,2012
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