Saturday, March 3, 2012


 Long, long ago, in a galaxy far far away,

There was an invasion attacking in the planet of Naboo. Queen Amidala, ruler of Naboo was kidnapped and was about to be killed by the invaders. But before that was about to happen, two Jedi's, Obi Wan Kenobi
and his master Qui Gon Jinn were on a mission to save Naboo too.

When they saved the queen, they stopped at another planet where they met a young boy named Anakin Skywalker. He was no ordinary boy. He was smart and built lots of things like droids and machines. He dreamt of being a Jedi. He and his mom were actually slaves.

 So Qui Gon freed the boy and he became Obi Wan's Padawan, which means apprentice. When they took off in their star ship, they continued on their mission. They needed to defeat the master of the invasion, Darth Maul. He super highly trained in Jedi arts. But sadly Qui Gon was killed by him. Obi wan bursted into rage and killed Maul. Everyone was saved. I wondered who would die first. Obi Wan, or Anakin?

-at Baycity Cinemas in Tauranga 03,march,2012


  1. nice Blog Jeong MIn

  2. I watched this movie long ling time ago and frankly I almost forgot this story...haha!
    Tony, you remaind me of this story! Thanks a lot!
