Mrs. Gloop panicked and shouted to Mr. Wonka, "Where does that pipe go to?!" "That pipe, it just so happens to go to the room where the most delicious strawberry flavored chocolate coated fudge!" Then Agustus will be made into strawberry flavoured chocolate coated fudge, sold and pounded all over the world?!" exclaimed Mrs. Gloop. "No, no the taste would be awful, I wouldn't allow it. Can you imagine if sold Agustus flavoured chocolate coated Gloop? Ewww, no one would buy it."
Saturday, March 17, 2012
chapter 17 Charlie and the chocolate factory
When Mr. Wonka explained, Mrs. Gloop yelled, "Agustus my child, that's not a good thing you do!" He was drinking the melted chocolate! Little boy, my chocolate mustn't be untouched by human hands!" said Willy Wonka. Then he loved it so much that he accidently fell in to the lake! Then one of the enormous pipes sticked in to the lake sucking up the chocolate so hard that Agustus shooted through the pipes really fast and stopped over halfway.
Mrs. Gloop panicked and shouted to Mr. Wonka, "Where does that pipe go to?!" "That pipe, it just so happens to go to the room where the most delicious strawberry flavored chocolate coated fudge!" Then Agustus will be made into strawberry flavoured chocolate coated fudge, sold and pounded all over the world?!" exclaimed Mrs. Gloop. "No, no the taste would be awful, I wouldn't allow it. Can you imagine if sold Agustus flavoured chocolate coated Gloop? Ewww, no one would buy it."
Mrs. Gloop panicked and shouted to Mr. Wonka, "Where does that pipe go to?!" "That pipe, it just so happens to go to the room where the most delicious strawberry flavored chocolate coated fudge!" Then Agustus will be made into strawberry flavoured chocolate coated fudge, sold and pounded all over the world?!" exclaimed Mrs. Gloop. "No, no the taste would be awful, I wouldn't allow it. Can you imagine if sold Agustus flavoured chocolate coated Gloop? Ewww, no one would buy it."
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