Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Moon

The moon is the earth's companion and is the second brightest thing in our sky. It is also the symbol of love and horror.

4.5 billion years ago, the solar system had 20 planets. Earth was an extremely violent world. Super volcanoes and supreme boiling lava fields and asteroids were showering down the heavens and life did not even exist. Then one of the planets called Thea collapsed on to the earth. Our planet survived but Thea was destroyed. After the explosion, the moon appeared!

It is also known as the largest satellite of a planet in the solar system. There's also a folk story that moon is made up of cheese! A brave man named Neil Armstrong was the first man to step on the moon! He said "One giant leap for mankind". In the country Korea, they also believe that there is a rabbit on the moon because of the giant spots on them that represents the shape!

The planet has no water and no food or living things. It has craters which are the holes on the moon. Most of them are made because of asteroids hitting the moon and protecting the earth. It is also known as months. For example, 10 months can be ten moons. It takes 29 days for it to orbit the earth. People also think that the wolf's life depends on them!

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