Thursday, December 29, 2011

For the first time, my mother’s favorite kitten, Nala, opened her eyes a little bit! I also

found out that most cats, including lions, bring their babies by picking it up by the

neck. It might look painful but it actually doesn’t hurt. Tigress always sticks its tongue

out when she sleeps. Sometimes she lies down and puts her paws up like she was

surprised. It’s really hilarious and funny. I also think the mother cat’s parents is a cat

that’s black and a cat that’s grey since it’s a black and grey cat.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Two of our kittens have lost their navel strings. Which means the remaining one is the

youngest sister. My favorite kitten is Tigress. You can tell by its white paws. We were

getting closer. She’ll see my real face when she opens her eyes. She’s also the oldest

of the siblings. Each of them is mixed with orange and grey. The grey is part of her

mother which is an American Short hair. And the orange is part of their father which

 belongs to the species I don’t know. I must find out!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

growing kittens day 3

Our kittens are starting to lose their navel strings. I can also see now that they’ll open their little eyes when they grow up into a fully grown kitten and walk and run by themselves. Most of the time, I saw them piling over each other. They sometimes catch fleas, but luckily we take them out. Kittens that have eyes which are not open yet, can find their way to suck milk from their mother by smelling the milky smell. I can’t wait until they grow up because now, they’re so young and fragile. The mother cat bleeds a little because of enduring the pain of giving birth. My mum says that giving birth is painful as dying even as an animal. When my little sister was born, every day I came to the hospital my mum couldn’t speak much. I’m glad I’m a boy!


Today our kittens were starting to crawl on their own! They opened their cute little mouths to yawn. We’ve decided to name them Tigress, Simba and Kate. Our kittens have navel strings which will come off to unblock the navel. I hope
they’ll grow strong and healthy.
The mother cat, most of the time I see her leaving her babies and eating food and then returning. Then I found out the more she eats, the more milk she can produce. I’m going to learn more about animals to be prepared to be a vet when I grow up.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Growing kittens day 1

Today, God has given us a Christmas gift. Our cat which is an American Short Hair, suddenly brought

something that squeaked. I thought it was a rat! We kicked the cat out and found the rat! But when we

looked closer, it was a baby kitten! It was so adorable and cute! Our cat was pregnant! It brought two

more kittens.  I thanked God and prayed. I researched how to raise kittens, and then I found out,

three weeks later, I can start training them to eat on dish. It’s so grateful to have pets. So from now on,

we’ll raise the kittens and see how they grow.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

31st, Aug, 2011

31st, Aug, 2011

Like yesterday, we went to Greeerton swimming pool. This time, one of us with the youngest siblings must go first in order. I got to go first because my sister is 5! Then we did some brestroke kicks with noodles. At the end of the lesson, we did some diving in the adult’s pool!

After school, I went to Harrison’s gallery and decided to draw a dolphin. I drew a plan that looked like an art diagram that is so cool! I drew my plan a piece of paper. Then I painted a simple color in paint which was blue. I wanted to draw on an easel like most of the people but there wasn’t any left. Just then I saw a whole bunch of easels in a corner of our classroom! But it was really hard to copy what I just did in my plan! It’s really hard to do something that you did really well again! At 5:30, My dad came and was thrilled when he saw my plan! I was so hungry that I ate two bowls of rice and chickens.