Eight years later, they get back to their city. But when the medallion touches the seafloor, it sends a water pulse to the cursed black pearl. Then, a notorious pirate that comes in a ship called Jack Sparrow arrives in the city. Suddenly Elizabeth accidentally falls in to the sea and Jack saves her. But because Jack was a pirate, James Norrington arrests him. But he runs and goes in to the smith's to uncuff him self. But then William shows up and battles Jack. At first Willam was about to win but then Jack held up a gun . But Norring ton caught him and arrested him.
Then some pirate crews come kidnapped Elizabeth and took him to their Captain Babossa and he wanted the medallion. She didn't give it and fakes her surname as Turner. Will makes a deal with Jack that he would help will find Elizabeth if Will frees him.Then Jack and Will sailed to captain Barbossa's place. While the crew attack Jack's crew. Barbossa and his crew has the curse when they stand by the moon light, they become their skeleton. The way to get rid of it is that the medallions and each of the pirates blood must return into the chest of the medallions.
Then Jack sparrow attacks Barbossa he then stabs him in the heart. But Barbossa was immortal. Then he stabs Jack in the heart. But he doesn't die too. because he had the curse too! The two immortals keep fighting and battling until, Will drops the two meddallions stained with Jack's and Barbossa's blood. Then Barbossa dies and his crew dies as well. Then, they escape to the city when Jack was free.